Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Word About The Blog

Most of you probably won't notice this, but I've had to make some adjustments to the settings of my blog. It would seem that my comments are being spammed by automatic posters. Thanks to I became aware of hits to my page that were lasting 0 seconds from various locations from around the world and then I get comments posted by people who want me to check out commercial sites. To help combat the problem with automatic posters spamming my comments feature I have turned on an option that makes it so that whoever posts comments has to take an extra step in the form of word verification. It's a tiny inconvenience for those of you who share comments, but one worth it for those who would rather not be bombarded by spam. I apologize for the inconvenience. I guess this is one of those lessons one has to learn when you start out blogging.


Anonymous said...

I refuse to leave comments if there is an extra step! Bastard!

Michael said...

You'll damn well leave comments and you'll like it! Just for that maybe I'll insert some more tedious steps just to inconvenience you more, asshole! The nerve of some people.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you may think so pal, but as long as the Comment Police are out there adding extra steps to an already tedious process, you'll not see comment one from me.

Michael said...

You don't have the balls to not comment. You come in here like your cock of the walk, saying I don't need to follow your comment rules, you comment nazi pissflap! I assure you, Jordan is cock of nothing!

Anonymous said...

I will second that

Anonymous said...

Thats right you tell him. I know FOR A FACT that Jordan is a no nothing know it all!

Anonymous said...

You think you know me. Well, your lack of knowledge has left you brutally unprepared. I have unleashed an avalanche of silence, crushing everything in its path with its monstrous force of nothingness! Not even you Mr. Appleby can withstand my incessant ceasing! This battle of wills will be won be me!

Michael said...

Damn you Jordan! Damn you to hell! This silence is too much for me!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA!!!!

Glorious SILENCE!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The silence is too much the darkness is too loud. Jordan is pretty quite huh?

Michael said...

If you know Jordan than you'll know he doesn't stay quiet for very long. The secret is to talk at length about how much more skill you have than him when it comes to hockey pools.

Anonymous said...

You think your feeble insults will trick me into posting another comment? You are wrong, my friend. DEAD WRONG!

Anonymous said...

Thats where michael is wrong (for once) Jordan can be tricked into taking into about anything. Im drunker then you my dear and I am still smarter....

Anonymous said...
come here and repost your bogs and I guarantee that you will love it.They in turn will love you.

Anonymous said...

This is getting out of control. When I first registered my outrage at your Orwellian attempt to control free speech through word verification, I had to enter a five letter word. Today the Comment Nazis are asking me to enter "ffkxuzgm"! If there were a word that meant the opposite of acceptable, and I am at a loss to come up with such a word, I would use it to describe this excruciating process.

Michael said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha! And the best part is that I have to handpick the "random" words that you have to type in before it lets you post. I am the Overlord, bow down before me! Bring me virginal maidens and oxblood. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

I've got a random word for you, smart guy. SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael said...

As far as random words go that one sucks, but then that's the kind of quality work I expect from you when it comes to generating random words. Keep reaching for that rainbow, buddy!

Anonymous said...

I've got a rainbow for you to reach for. The rainbow of shut the hell up!

Michael said...

No, you shut up!

Anonymous said...

No, you!