Jordan and Lori showing off Lori's winnings from the mini poker tournament that we had.

Ian is drunk and apparently maniacally so.

Darcy and Jay pose together. Darcy needs to work on his rock and roll look, though.

Jordan and our lovely hostess for the evening Trudy.

Lori and Brandon giving their reviews.

Playing Shrek Operation for drinks? Has that ever been a good idea?

Nadine is the night's first casualty after failing to successfully remove Shrek's tibia. Weak. I may not have graduated medical school, but I could at least remove a tibia from an ogre.

Jordan removes a tibia while Cory and Jay look on. See, Nadine? Was that so hard?

Yours truly takes another crack at removing a tibia. Why so many tibias you ask? Because Shrek has 17 of them because he's an ogre. Duh. Oh crap I hit the side. Now it's time for another shot. I guess Nadine was right. This does get kind of hard after you've been drinking for a while.
So after all the drinking game madness and poker many of us just passed out and slept over at Trudy's. Ah Christmas, it's a most wonderful time of the year.
What's Cory looking at in that picture?
Nice ass!...I would like to see some pasty white ones though....what the hell.
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